Help Save Barn Meadow

This beautiful water meadow in Alresford is under imminent threat from housing development

Together, we can save Barn Meadow

“The Wildlife Trust supports opportunities to secure Barn Meadow for nature recovery and further protection of the River Itchen catchment and its floodplain.

With the emerging Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS), Barn Meadow on the River Arle floodplain represents a location of not insignificant importance to local nature recovery, and mitigation to climate change.

Aspirations to expand the urban conurbation further into the floodplain should carefully consider the impact on biodiversity, river water quality and resources, exacerbation to flood risk and conflict with other priorities such as the LNRS.

The River Arle is one of the most biodiverse and sensitive reaches within the Itchen catchment, an internationally renowned chalk river and Special Area of Conservation. Future land use changes should prioritise protection and recovery of this rich natural heritage.”
Dr Nick Walton

Martin De Retuerto

Director of Nature Recovery

Hampshire & Isle of Wight
Wildlife Trust


Key Reasons to Save Barn Meadow:

· Wildlife disturbance – the water meadow is surrounded by protected SSSI + SAC sites – see wildlife link

· ‘High Sensitivity’ landscape

· Road safety locally – Drove Lane is a narrow lane with no pavement, busy with walkers and cyclists

· On objective grounds, we believe that overall, this is the least appropriate of all the sites proposed for housing in the Neighbourhood Plan’s search for the next 100 houses to be built in Alresford after the Sun Lane development

Further details to follow shortly

Where is Barn Meadow?
Who are the Friends of Barn Meadow?
Can I be a Friend of Barn Meadow?
“Don’t Worry, They’ll Never Get Planning Permission to Build on the Water Meadow!”
What is the Neighbourhood Plan?
Another 100 Homes on top of the Sun Lane Development?

What is the Community Consultation?

How can I get more information?

Sites Protected for Biodiversity

Of all the sites proposed for housing in Alresford, Barn Meadow is the only one on the Priority Habitats Inventory and the only one that borders SSSI or SAC sites

55% of the site boundary is an SAC
– a Special Area of Conservation, designated by the government’s Joint Nature Conservation Committee

SACs give higher level protection than SSSIs and protect habitats and species that are of the highest importance at European level

Barn Meadow offers vital connectivity to the wildlife of the SSSI and SAC sites which have been designated for species including:


Water vole

White-clawed crayfish

Key Dates



Community Consultation – 12.00 – 8.00pm

Have your say in person – open to all the community

The Swan Hotel, West Street, New Alresford




Community Consultation is now CLOSED
Thank you for your support

Barn Meadow from Drove Lane bridge - wide
Barn Meadow lies to the
left of the river on Drove Lane
Barn Meadow in winter
winter on the water meadow

Here is a .pdf of our full length response to the Community Consultation: